Supermoons, Micromoons 2075

Check out the Supermoons and Micromoons for 2075. A Supermoon is a full moon or new moon that occurs when the moon is at or near its closest approach to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter in the sky. A Micromoon is a full moon or new moon that occurs when the moon is at its farthest point from the Earth in its orbit, making it appear smaller and dimmer in the sky. Thanks to our Supermoon Calendar, you can find the exact dates and times of all Super Full Moon, Super New Moon, Micro Full Moon and Micro New Moon in 2075. The dates and times are in UTC and your local time.

Supermoon, Micromoon calendar 2075

Supermoon, Micromoon calendar 2075 (UTC)

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Question & Answer About the Moon



Moon, Luna, Mond, Lua, Luna, Hold, Lune

Moon Phase Today
Fase lunar de hoy
Die heutige Mondphase
A fase lunar de hoje
La Fase Lunare di Oggi
Mai holdállás
La phase lunaire d`aujourd` hui